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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

One Yoga is committed to the protection of your privacy and the compliance of the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

Personal Data Collected
We collect information in order to help us improve the services and products we offer; and to provide unique personalised services and products to each registrant. One Yoga collects your information when you purchase our product or service on our website or when you create an account on our website. You may also be asked for your personal information when you contact our customer service officer online/offline.

You are under no obligation to provide your complete personal data. However, the minimum information we require for us to be able to provide you with our products and services are your name, phone number and e-mail address. Depending on the situation, we may ask for further information from you in order to obtain a better understanding of how we could provide services to you. It is entirely your choice whether or not to provide information, in some case for us to provide the service requested, you will be required to give certain information, whether you do or not is your choice. Obviously if you do not, then we may not be able to provide the services requested, in all cases when you are required to give information we will inform you. We will inform you in cases when it is obligatory for you to provide information before you can receive the service requested.


Types of Information we collect:
•Your name, address, residential address, mobile phone number, office number, emergency contact, emergency contact number, email, country, gender, marital status, identity card or passport number, profile photo, designation, company name and address;
• Your purchase history;
•Your attendance record;
• Your credit card details, payment details including type of payment;
• Correspondence through our sites and correspondence sent to us via other channels;
• Other information from your interaction with our sites, services, and content, including computer and connection information, statistics on page views, traffic to and from the sites, ad data, IP address and standard web log information.

We use your Personal Information:
• To process your application and registration;

• To process your purchase of our services and/or products
• To conduct market research and analysis;
• For direct marketing;
• To ascertain if you are eligible for discounts;
• For other related purpose.

Direct Marketing
We intend to use your phone number, postal address and email in direct marketing activities such as promotion of our services, newsletters, contract renewal, market updates and other services or updates.

Processing of Your Personal Information
Depending on our corporate structure from time to time, it may become necessary for One Yoga to transfer your personal information to other companies (including but not limited to holding company, subsidiary, associate companies and/or other subsidiaries of our holding company) to order to perform the services or purposes highlighted above.

Should you not want us to use your personal data for aforesaid purposes or choose not to receive promotion materials from us, please opt out by informing us in writing.

Cookies are small pieces of information which are stored by your browser on your computer. Many websites generate cookies which will be stored on your hard drive so that on subsequent visits to that site it will recognise that you have previously used that site and make it easier for you to use that site. Like other websites, we use cookies on our website.


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